Helpful Phone numbers
- Income tax : 1800-959-82181
- Business: 1800-959-5525
- Gst/Individuals: 1800-959-1953
- OTB: 1877-627-6645
- Child tax: 1800-387-1953
- Collection: 1800-959-2018
- Corporate Internet filling: 1-800-959-2803
CRA Mail:
Winnipeg Tax Centre
PO Box 14005 Stn Main
Winnipeg MB R3C 0E3
For T1 Adjustment
Mailing address:
66 Stapon Road
Winnipeg MB R3C 3M2
Fax number: 204-984-5164
International and Ottawa Tax Services Office
Office address:
2204 Walkley Road
Ottawa ON K1A 1A8
Mailing address:
Post Office Box 9769, Station T
Ottawa ON K1G 3Y4
Fax number: 1-613-941-2505
For payroll and HST